This little piggy went to market…

Hi everyone!  It’s been a while, but I’m back.  Work and life has been really busy, so the time away was much needed.  Great news is that my husband and I hired a Personal Assistant, I’ve hired and fired an Assistant, and am very close to hiring another Assistant. It’s amazing that I’m even in a position to be able to do this, and I’m very happy to say that, “It’s been Great!”

So I come to you today, with nothing too creative or probably not even that healthy, however, it’s delicious!  Growing up, I always looked forward to the special breakfasts that were out of the typical cereal, toast, oatmeal, etc.  “Piggies in a Blankie” was definitely one of those special breakfasts.  It’s simple and the kids can get involved.

First, the oven needs to be preheated. The temperature may vary depending on the type of oven that’s being used. I just followed the guidelines on the Crescent Roll Package.

Preheat Oven to 375()F

Gather all the ingredients that will be needed: 1 tube of Pillsbury Crescent Butter Flake rolls, 1 package of Hillshire Farm Lit’l Smokies, and cheese slices (optional -not used here). It’s important to use the Pillsbury brand and the Butter Flake roll because the butter flavor and the Pillsbury brand doesn’t get soggy. Growing up, we used hot dogs sliced in half and stuffed it with cheese. As I’ve gotten older, my taste for hot dogs have changed, so all beef Lit’l Smokies, it is.


Now the fun part begins.  Pop the crescent roll tube open.  Once you peel the cover go the roll off, there will be instructions on the cardboard on how to do so.

Crescent rolls popped open.

Next, roll out the dough and slice each pre sliced triangle in half.  This will leave you with 16 triangles.

IMG_20141128_080356  IMG_20141128_075727

Place 1 sausage per triangle, on the wide end, and roll ’em up. If you are using cheese, place a quarter of a cheese slice under the sausage before rolling.


Once the oven is preheated, place the tray of “Piggies in a Blankie” on the center rack of the oven.  Bake for 12-15 minutes, and voila!  End product.

**On a side note – you probably noticed the “Give Thanks” pot holder. That’s because I’ve been gone so long, that this post was actually meant for Thanksgiving time.

I hope you all enjoyed the post and give the recipe a whirl.  Mince away, folks!

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